8 | 29 | 2024
So much has happened
Something awful and I can't even talk about it. But it makes me sick to my stomach.
I know things will be better over time, but right now, it's very very hard to keep my mental health in check.
Doing anything is so taxing and the best thing I can do is pretend this didn't happen...
8 | 21 | 2024
A to-do list of sorts...
Just me voicing some shit that needs to get done before the 5th of next month.
We're doing a big meetup with my online friends. We're going out to Orlando and doing a bunch of stuff, drinking at Epcot and a few other attractions out there.
We're planning to head over to the beach and do a few other things as well. But before everyone flies down here, I need to get my house in order.
Cleaning has been a drag lately. I haven't felt good with my health/lifestyle, so I've been lazing about instead of doing something about it.
I am hoping I can kick things into high gear and get shit done asap.
Besides the personal stuff, I have to go back and change a few dialogue bubbles from my webcomic, as WT has changed their guidelines and I have to now censor curse words...haaaa....
I've already been revamping the first 16 episodes anyway, but it's taking forever to get done...I hope when I take my posting hiatus this year in Nov, I'll be able to work on it during that time.
Anyways, I've been rambling too much, time to end this journal.
8 | 18 | 2024
So I revamped this section of my site to match my current theme. I still have some work to do with a few more pages but I feel really happy with how this sub section of the site has come out!
I have been extremely exhausted this week. Work has been absolute hell with the upcoming election and the amount of political mail I have to deliver is crazy.
Another thing, why the hell is August flying by so fast?