Finlay has always been self-centered and self-interested since birth. He never really showed any care for those around him, but knew how to "pretend" to show such care.
He learned to manipulate those around him and took on a life of petty crimes which grew more elaborate as time progressed.
In his early adulthood, he made a friend who would join him on his life of thievery. However, one bad heist nearly got Finlay caught had he not left his friend to take the fall for him.
As Finlay grew into his mid 30s, he began to develop skills to sell things and began many business ventures. By his later 30s, he was a well-renowned con-man. He spent years making connections with those
around him, making friends in high well as low places. He walked with all forms of life, whether it be with the bourgeois or criminal scum.
In his later years, he grew cocky and eventually attempted to con the wrong person, which nearly ended in Finlay losing his life. He was saved by someone who took had grown close to him and took pity on him.
Though he lost his eyesight, this 'friend' gave him an item which could restore eyesight in one of his eyes.
Finlay became a recluse after, learning to hire people to work under him, to continue his life of crime, but this time, under protection.